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Target Requirements part 2

The 2nd targert you need to achieve before firing is "target acquisition." Did you acquire a target. If not do not snoot. The reality of deadly force encounters you will be within 12 feet of your advesary. This means that you will not utilize gun sights to acquire the target/threa .but will utilize "point shooting" or what some call "instinctive shooting".

As Ken Hackethorn (a famous firearms trainer/author) uses the idea to mentally visualize the effective point shooting distance as the range that you would be able to spit on someone. When you point shoot you do not bring the muzzle up to eye level and use the sights, you simply point and shoot. To index some accuracy to a point shot just use the sensation of the index (trigger) finger and where that would point is a good reference to where your shot will go.

In close combat situations we do not have the time to use sights and do not want to extend the arm(s) out because the threat is too close and this would allow them to grab or deflect our firearm. Any time an advesary takes your gun they are going to shoot you with it if given the opportunity and you now become an unarmed participan t in an armed threat circumstance. The reality is that almost all of our deadly force incidents with shootings are going to be where point shooting is the method of prefence.

The next blog lesson will be the thrid target requirement, "target isolation" and it's one and only exception to the target requirements.

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